Why background checks are crucial for ISO 27001 certification

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Jordie Black
Updated on:
February 13, 2025

In the modern world, a data breach is pretty much the worst thing that can happen to an organisation. (Besides, you know, all the other things that can go wrong.)

Thankfully, there are lots of countermeasures you can take to make sure your company is secure, including becoming ISO 27001 certified. 

“But wait,” you’re probably thinking. “Zinc does background checks, not data security. What do background checks and ISO 27001 have in common, anyway?

As it turns out, quite a lot. 

Quick recap: Making sense of ISO 27001

ISO 27001 is the international standard for how companies manage and protect all their sensitive information, whether it’s related to the business or to their customers. 

It’s a framework that focuses on risk management and putting the right security protocols in place for each individual business. Data breaches and ransomware attacks are a significant modern business risk, and obtaining an ISO 27001 certificate provides a high bar for maintaining data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. 

ISO 27001 aligns a business with internationally approved security protocols and demonstrates that a businesses’ internal data handling processes are robust. 

Why do background checks matter for ISO 27001 compliance?

As with all protocols, the success of ISO 27001 depends on the trustworthiness of the employees who implement it. 

Employee background checks are essential to make sure that the people handling the sensitive data are as reliable as the security procedures that protect it. 

Plus, ISO 27001 emphasises the importance of vetting employees, including running background checks, as part of its compliance requirements. Vetting procedures usually include checking a candidate’s:

  • Criminal record
  • Employment history
  • Education
  • Anything else role-specific

Not sure what checks to run? Read our guide to different types of checks and when they’re most commonly used

How background check results help you manage risk and stay compliant

Background checks serve as your first line of defence against potential threats from within your organisation. 

Be sure to tailor them to assess risk specific to different roles, focusing on past criminal behaviour or other indicators that might signal a risk of theft, fraud, or data misuse.

Our experience shows that background checks form an integral part of a broader, effective risk management strategy, meaning you’re better protected against potential rogue actors.

Implementing background checks in line with ISO 27001

When it comes to background checks, clarity is the best policy. 

Make sure everyone understands what checks are being run, how they’re conducted, and how the information is used. It’s essential that you balance thorough vetting with respect for the candidate's privacy and data protection. 

And don’t just settle for “that’s the way we’ve always done it.” Regular audits of these processes can help you stay on top of compliance and effectiveness. 

Here are some best practices to follow:

Develop a formal policy

Clearly outline your policy around the scope, frequency, and method for background checks. Communicate this policy to all your candidates, and make sure it complies with all your legal requirements. 

Stay consistent

Apply background checks uniformly to avoid discrimination or bias. The same standards should apply to new hires or current employees moving to a different role with higher security requirements.

Run regular risk assessments

ISO 27001 requires that the depth of an employee check corresponds to the potential risk involved in their position. If the role has more access to sensitive information, they should have more in-depth background checks. 

Prioritise privacy

A little transparency goes a long way during the background checking process. Get consent from candidates and employees when you run checks, and be clear about how you’re going to use the results. At every step, make sure their personal data is protected in line with your company’s policies and ISO 27001 requirements. 

Partner with the best 

Make sure your background checking provider is fully ISO 27001 certified and has clear policies around data security. 

Curious about whether you should use a third party provider or keep it in house? We’ve put together a guide to help you make the decision (even though we’re a little biased). 

Stay on top of updates 

ISO 27001 certification requires continuous improvement and regular reviews. Similarly, your background check process should be constantly updated to stay in line with best practices. Consider running periodic re-checks on employees to ensure the highest level of security.

Make sure everyone knows what’s going on

Train your teams well. Everyone who runs or reviews background checks should be trained on company policy and aware of the legal and ethical importance of ISO 27001 compliance. 

Integrate with your HR process

Background checks are a fundamental part of your HR process, so don’t isolate them. Build them into your regular routine, so they’re integrated with all other employee security measures.

What impact does employee access have on data security?

Modern workplaces are full of data. The largest data breach of 2024, at National Public Data, resulted in 2.9 billion records lost, and affected 1.3 billion people. According to Varonis, the average financial services employee had access to over 11 million files, and more than 65% of financial companies had 1,000+ sensitive files open to every employee. 

Widespread access is a significant risk to data security, whether it’s insider threats or data breaches. Stricter controls are a must for modern companies, especially in sensitive industries like finance. 

One way to combat risk is to regularly reassess data access policies and implement stricter controls. Background checks are an essential part of this process. 

Communicating the risk to employees

You can’t just keep running background checks without explaining the why. Building a “let’s do it together” approach to company security isn’t just good for your data — it’s good for increasing employee morale and performance. 

Whether it’s through regular training sessions or educational initiatives, emphasise the role of each individual employee in protecting the company’s security. Aligning with ISO 27001’s focus on ongoing improvement helps you build a culture that prioritises security. 

Using ISO 27001 to build a culture of security from the moment new candidates sign

Your employees are not untrustworthy people. Your candidates probably aren’t malicious actors. But the problem of data security is too big to ignore, and responsible companies take steps to make sure that they’re safeguarding data. 

Background checks are an essential part of building a company culture that prioritises security, protects employee privacy, and stays compliant with ISO 27001 standards. Integrating background checks into your risk management strategy and helping employees understand why is the first step.

And of course, it’s not the only step. Combine background checks with ongoing training, regular policy reviews, and a proactive approach to risk management to get ahead of security threats. 

If you’re in the process of acquiring ISO 27001 certification or looking to maintain compliance, we’d love to chat about how we can help with fast, secure background checks. Get in touch with our team here