Create checks in minutes

Get inspired by your peers and discover over 35 templates in our gallery to help you get started faster.

Community check templates

Templates have been designed by leading HR and Talent teams to meet industry and company requirements. Community members and friends have kindly opted to share their reference check templates. Thank you to those that contributed.

Designed by our customers

hello fresh logo photobox logo
Our templates are designed by customers regulated by the FCA, CQC, and more.

Build checks in minutes

Create templates that you can use over and over.

Templates for every need

Find templates designed by other teams similar to you, so you can start sending checks to candidate with confidence.
Find templates that fit
Filter by location, industry, regulation, and seniority levels to find the template that’s right for you. Get inspired by other teams similar to you.
Meet industry standards
Get peace of mind from seeing which checks your peers use to satisfy industry standards.
Customise your checks
Modify and customise your check packages to make each template your own.


Can I publish a template?

To publish a template, once you’ve built a template from scratch select ‘Publish to community’ and this will submit the template to the Zinc team to review. When you publish a template, your company logo and name will be visible to the public, along with the package name, checks, check criteria, and customised questions. The Zinc team will review your template before publishing it to the gallery and add an industry, country, regulation, as well as role level classification.

Candidate notes and notification subscribers will not be visible, nor will the people to whom the check package has been sent.

Can I modify a template?

Yes. Once you’ve selected a template, you can modify your check package by adding or removing checks. You can also further customise the criteria within some checks to make sure you meet your business requirements.

How do I select a template?

To select a template, simply select ‘Start with templates’ when creating a new check package. You’ll be able to choose from our selection of templates and filter templates based on location, regulation, industry, and job seniority level.

Still have questions? Check the help center or email us at
“It’s quick and it just happens. It’s so difficult to find other partners that have the same mindset.”
Marlen Gfrörer
Staff Onboarding