Zinc Work
Candidate Privacy Notice

  • Zinc Work Limited (“Zinc”) a company incorporated and registered in England and Wales (company number is 10961635) with a registered address at Eastcastle House, 27-28 Eastcastle Street, London, United Kingdom, W1W 8DH on behalf of itself and any affiliates. 
  • This Privacy Notice applies to all candidates who enter into and are part of a Zinc recruitment process. If you have any questions regarding this Notice please contact our DPO, Hamraj Gulamali available at hamraj@zincwork.com.

What personal data is collected?

  • As part of the recruitment process we require certain types of data from candidates. The amount and types of data collected will vary depending on the stage of the recruitment process reached by a given candidate. The types of data we collect may include but are not limited to:
  • Personal contact data such as name, title, address, telephone number and email address.
  • If you are made an offer of employment by Zinc then you will be required to undergo background checks before your employment commences. As part of this process the types of data we collect may include but are not limited to:
  • Previous record of employment data 
  • Education history data
  • Right to work documentation
  • Reference data
  • Criminal record data

How do we collect your data?

  • All data is collected on a voluntary basis and no candidate is required to provide any of the requested data. However, without certain data Zinc may, in some circumstances, be unable to complete the recruitment process in a manner that is fair and robust considering all candidates and their requirements. 
  • Data is largely collected by candidates providing information to Zinc during the recruitment process. This may be through an application form, be inputted into the Zinc applicant tracking system or sent directly to a Zinc employee. 
  • As mentioned above, we do require candidates to undergo background checks and these are conducted using the Zinc Service. Personal data is inputted directly into the Zinc Service by candidates and it is then verified using various databases including through the use of some third party providers.

The legal basis on which the processing takes place

  • We only use candidate data where it is strictly necessary and where the law allows us to do so. Our legal basis for doing so falls under one or more of the following categories:
  • Where it is necessary to ensure the robustness and fairness of our recruitment process
  • Where it is necessary to ensure the integrity of our workforce 
  • Where it is necessary to ensure the safety of our workplace
  • Where we have a legitimate interest in doing so
  • Where it is necessary in order for Zinc to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation.
  • Where it is in the public interest to do so.
  • There are rare occasions when it may become necessary to use candidate data to protect your interest (or someone else’s interests).

Why do we collect your data?

  • Candidate data is used almost exclusively as part of the recruitment process. For example, we may use your email address to inform you of timings of interviews. 
  • As mentioned above, there may be rare circumstances when candidate data is used for reasons other than during the normal conduct of a recruitment process (such as to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation). However, the vast majority of use cases stem from ordinary conduct as part of the recruitment process. 
  • Zinc never uses candidate data other than where strictly necessary.

Who the personal data is shared with

  • Internally we only share candidate data with Zinc employees who strictly require such data for the core function of their role. Outside of those specific employees candidate data is entirely restricted. 

How long do we keep candidate personal data? 

  • We keep your personal data on file for the duration of the recruitment process. Subsequently we review and assess all candidate data. Certain candidate data will be stored indefinitely in our talent database. If this applies to you then you will be notified of this and may choose to have your data removed from our talent database at any time. Candidate data that does not enter our talent database will be deleted twenty four (24) months after the completion of the recruitment process.

Your rights

  • Each candidate as a data subject has certain rights in respect of their data, some of these include: 
  • Accessing and obtaining a copy of your data we store on file; 
  • Requiring Zinc to rectify or modify any data that is incorrect or incomplete;
  • Objecting to the processing of your data if Zinc relies on its legitimate interest as the legal ground for processing your data and you do not believe that we have a legitimate interest in doing so.
  • Should you feel that Zinc has not complied with your data protection rights, we encourage you to tell us so that we can examine the issue and rectify any problems. In the first instance we ask that you contact our DPO, Hamraj Gulamali available at hamraj@zincwork.com
  • If, once speaking with us, you feel that your rights are still being infringed then you may lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner: UK Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Telephone Number: 08456 30 60 60. Website: https://ico.org.uk