Drive team performance with lightning fast background checks.

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How you fit in

Give your reference in a few easy steps

Answer the referee questions through zinc.

Your feedback plays a key role

References start to build the candidate report along with other background checks

Checks for every type of growing business

Our range of 12 off-the-shelf background checks are a simple and easy starting point for HR teams.

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Built for every type of growing business

Lightning fast checks

Screening takes days, not weeks.

3 days
avg turnaround time

Secure, compliant and reliable

We’re certified in and compliant in ISO 27001, GDPR and Cyber Essentials.

Global compliant checks

Cross-border checks in 200 countries that are completely safe and meet the highest compliance standards.

Zinc integrates with 14+ HR tools

Create a seamless workflow for your HR team with one-click check requests that save time and provide the insights you need in one place.

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One click background checks

Simple and secure global background checks at the click of a button. We have you covered wherever you hire.

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