Here’s a step-by-step process to providing a reference check:
1. Open the email from Zinc
A previous employee has been requested to provide references in their job search and they have put you down as a referee. You’ll receive and email from Zinc, the email will outline who the request is from along with their email to verify the authenticity. The candidate has consented to this process. Click the green “provide reference” button in the email and complete the reference - it shouldn’t take longer than 5-10 minutes. Don’t have time immediately? You can always come back and complete the reference later but job offers are often reference dependant so we recommend completing it as early as you can. We will send three reminders over the course of six days as well as a text notification if the candidate provided your phone number.
All information provided is visible to the candidate as well as third parties unless otherwise requested.
2. Confirm their employment details
In the form, confirm your name, the job title you held when you worked together and their employment dates. To make this easier for you, we have pre-populated the dates—if they’re incorrect, simply click on the date and choose the correct duration in the calendar. Before submitting, please ensure all of these details are correct as this cannot be undone.

3. Complete the reference questions
Recruiters can customise reference questions so these vary but Zinc reference requests tend to be a mixture of quick multiple choice competency questions followed by a few open-ended questions. Please take your time to give as much detail as you can. When you press submit, the candidate and the recruiter will receive a notification with a unique shareable link confirming you have completed the reference. The candidate will be able to view and reuse your reference throughout their career.

That’s it—you’ve completed your reference and your past employee can use this throughout their career, saving you both precious time and potentially giving them an advantage in their search for the perfect job.
Unsure or would like more information? You can find more information in our terms and conditions or contact us directly at
Important things to note:
- The reference will be visible to the candidate and the recruiter requesting it
- Ensure all details are correct before submitting - there’s no back button
- You don’t have to complete all questions but your candidate will appreciate it if you do
- You can come back to the reference request at any time before submitting - just click the link in the original email
- The candidate may choose to share their references, delete them or keep them private forever
- Verifying with LinkedIn really helps to validate the reference