You can now request professional membership or professional qualifications via Zinc. Request different forms of qualifications alongside academic qualifications. You can choose an unlimited number of either academic or professional qualifications to be verified. All forms or education on Zinc will now fall under the banner of qualifications.
Verify your financial candidates accounting qualifications, legal candidates professional memberships or your technical teams security qualifications. If these qualifications or memberships hold weight in your candidate selection, you should check they’re valid.
Regulated organisations often require professional qualifications and academic qualifications are verified to ensure that everything is checked that’s been presented in the interview process.
Like the academic qualification check, we will verify the authenticity of the membership or qualification directly with the source so you don’t have to worry about fake certificates. Zinc accepts and verifies any form of qualifications and memberships globally.
To turn on the check, head to your packages page in your Zinc account. Click on “Create package” to generate a new package option and near the second to last step will give you the option to specify the number of different types of qualifications you would like to add. This is a maximum number of qualifications, your candidates won’t need to have this many forms of qualification, they can supply as much as relevant.

Or if you’d like to add more than one qualification check to an existing package, you can do this by clicking on the package to bring up the edit view. From the toggles in the left hand panel, switch on the qualification toggle.

Use the plus option to indicate you will accept more than one item of each. Please note each individual piece of education incurs a charge since Zinc incurs costs with universities and institutions for each check too.
After you send out the request, the candidate will be asked to confirm their qualification or membership details. Zinc will go and contact the institution directly. Then the candidate reports display the information specified by the candidate and the institution highlighting any mismatches.
Head to your Packages page to try the checks today. Or reach out to your account manager for more information.